Top 4 tips to get a beautiful and lasting tan!
Step 1: Exfoliate your skin
If you want a tan that lasts over time, exfoliation is a very important step. Removing dead cells from the body's skin a few days before exposure to the sun will help you get that beautiful and even tan. We recommend you to use products made from natural extracts, without parabens, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Step 2: Gradual exposure
Summer is about the sun, the beach and relaxation. Even if you are a sun and tan lover, you should know that standing at the beach between 11:00 and 16:30 does nothing but cause burns and damage to your skin. In this interval, the sun has the highest intensity, UVA and UVB radiation being in full action.
Step 3: Apply the cream with protection factor
Unfortunately, many people avoid applying sunscreen. "I won't tan if I apply SPF cream!" is the most heard reply... However, the truth is that you can also tan with sunscreen, but gradually.
Step 4: About the sun protection factor
The sun protection factor (SPF) represents the unit of measure for the protection offered to the skin against ultraviolet rays. The value of the SPF protection factor: ex SPF 15, SPF 20, SPF 30, SPF 50, also indicates the degree of solar protection offered.
There are two types of filters:
Chemical filters (absorb UV rays from the skin)
Mineral filters (reflects ultraviolet rays, forming a barrier between the skin and harmful rays).
They prevent UV rays from penetrating the skin.
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