Philips,Trimmer nas / urechi / sprancene, seria 3000 NT3160/10, baterie, negru-gri
Sistemul de protectie avansat previne smulgerea, zgarieturile si taieturile
Cu tehnologia revolutionara ProtecTube, dispozitivul de taiere este protejat de o aparatoare din folie foarte subtire cu varfuri rotunjite pentru a preveni iritarea pielii. In plus, dispozitivul de taiere este conceput pentru a preveni prinderea parului intre doua lame de taiere care se misca separat, garantat fara smulgere.
Ajungi usor la parul din urechi sau nas
Aparatul pentru tuns parul din nas Philips a fost conceput astfel incat sa aiba unghiul perfect, pentru a putea ajunge la parul din interiorul urechilor si nasului, precum si pentru a fi utilizat pentru sprancene. Cu aparatul pentru tuns parul din nas Philips, poti fi sigur ca tot parul nedorit va fi indepartat in mod eficient.
Fante de taiere ultra precise si ascutite
Atat dispozitivul de taiere, cat si aparatoarea, au fante de taiere ultra-precise si ascutite, pentru a garanta o taiere rapida si eficienta a tuturor firelor de par.
You can find a whole selection of perfumery products at, as well as selective cosmetics, professional styling products, top make-up brands, toiletries and beauty products for women and men. Fixaix is a landmark in high-quality perfumes and cosmetics, creams, hair care products, make-up items and gift sets. We are much more than an online perfume store and we want to show it to you.
Product delivery
The order will be delivered in 2 and a maximum of 10 working days by fast courier, depending on the address and the work flow. The delivery term may change depending on the availability of the international stock, we work directly with international warehouses precisely so that there is no uncertainty in the quality or originality of the ordered products, see more details here...
We accept returns for 60 days for all orders placed on the fixaix platform.
If the products are defective on delivery, we can agree on compensation in the form of a voucher. You have the right to request the elimination of the defect, in the form of replacement or even if it is possible to repair it. In the event that it is impossible or impracticable for us to remedy the defect, you have the right to claim a reduction in the purchase price and, if the defect is substantial, you can also withdraw from the purchase agreement, more details here…